Monday, August 10, 2009

New Beginnings

So tomorrow I start my new job at Eisenhower middle school. I get to be a para for new 7th graders who need special attention. Should be fun. Still working at Famous Dave's. I got a road bike to pay for. And maybe a new tv. But we'll see. Anyway, it's an extra income, and I'll stick around there for a little bit. I'm also still at the hospital, working as a Chaplain there. But I've got less than 60 hours left, so hopefully done soon. 

Today I started my bike training. I road for like five minutes this morning before Nick's bike broke down. Then we walked. And I went around for 15 or 20 minutes this afternoon and just pedaled the whole time. Really fun. I just need a more comfortable seat. Obviously (butt problems ya know). I'm super excited. But I got Nick, Matt Brown, Kai and Joel to go biking with me, we're gonna do a 75 mile Kansas bike tour. I'm really excited about it. Wish me luck :)


Sunday, June 28, 2009


Ok, been married for a week now. CRAZY. I know. To those of you who were there, thank you so much. To those of you who weren't, we still love you. Anyway, party was crazy, lots and lots of drinking and dancing which of course equals a lot of fun for spectators. We got 2 of the pictures back from the photographer already, they're gorgeous. Any way. Lots of fun. Married life is great, I already suck at it, but whatever. 

Went to Key West, Florida for the HM. Awesome time. Went scuba diving after getting sick on the boat. Quite the experience, very cool, but I suggest dramamine if you're going to partake in such activities. Sunsets, oceans, bed and breakfast, wife, all beautiful. 

Back in the real world. Officially. Tomorrow, I have to wake up early to mow the grass, weed the garden, work on basement and apparently now I have to clean the bathroom because SOMEbody doesn't think it's clean enough. Whatchagonnado.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

facial hair

I'm very glad that beards are coming back into style. You see I'm very capable of growing a full beard. Give me two weeks, and Grizzly Adams and I could hang out regularly. What a terrible reference. Everyone immediately jumps to a GA reference when talking beards, which makes sense, but seriously, in 2009, how many people actually remember Grizzly Adams? Time to update. Not sure who the new "Beard Reference Standard" should be, but we can do better people, just be creative.

Anyway, like I was saying, I'm glad they are back in style because I hate to shave, and like afore mentioned, I grow them quite easily. So, lucky me. However, like most trends, soon it will be gone, and I'll have to wait 30 years for it to come back in ('cause beards were real cool in the '70's I guess). 

Anyway, if you got an idea for the new Standard Beard Reference guy, let me know. Cause seriously, we need to work on this.

btw, I'm shaving tomorrow. Apparently you have to look presentable and not like you live in a bush when counseling people at a hospital. whatever.


Friday, May 29, 2009


here's some perspective for you. 

I had two best friends all the way from 4th grade through all of high school. One of these guys lived a block from me all those years, and the other will be in my wedding this upcoming month. These guys have been there for me in ways that no one else has or could ever be. They were with me through the years that someone needs a best friend most, when you struggle with who you are and do everything you can to figure out who you want to be. People come and go throughout your life. I've had other best friends, and other very good friends, people that were influential in my life and people that have impacted me in huge ways, and these two guys were there through it all. 
One of my friends has had it pretty tough, he has a physically and mentally challenged brother, someone we have all grown to love as our own brother, and whose mom was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when he was very young, and she was disabled due to the horrendous muscle disease. The other friend had a family who accepted all of us boys at all times, and his mom and dad became surrogate parents to close to eight or nine boys who constantly found their way to their home, and his mom would always welcome us with a hug and usually some baked goods, and even long conversations into the night. 
Both of my friends have experienced loss in the last few months. The first friend's mother passed away finally from her twenty year battle with MS and the second passed earlier this year from a freak embolism while in the hospital for an unrelated reason. One was a shock and a surprise, and both were tragic and devastating. But here I am, affected because my friends have gone through something that cannot be explained in words. It's hard to grasp and to understand. There's so much pain and sorrow, confusion and bewilderment. 
It's confusing to go through times like this, because we all know we're going to lose people as we live our lives, but we don't ever want to accept it as a way of life, and it's shocking when we do lose someone. Yet, there's something, someone that lets us know that even though we have lost, and we don't quite know what to do, it'll be alright. We have grace and love to fall back on, and when we turn our eyes off our own pain and put it into the hands of the One who can carry it and us, we can find peace. And even though no one wants to hear it when they are hurting so bad, we must remember that God can in fact keep us intact. The book "the Hiding Place," there is a quote that can get us through times like this, and it is "There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still." Which, when looking at mortality and pain, can be a great thing to remember.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Just got back from Colorado last night. And it was fantastic. I would live in Colorado for the rest of my life if I got the right job there. It's absolutely beautiful. 

The Senior Class Trip was amazing, got to spend some time with awesome friends and just great people, in an awesome place. We had an amazing time and I'm glad for everyone that went and hope they had as much fun as I did.

Anyway, we were deep in the mountains, snow still covering most of them, and it was stunning. The simultaneous simplicity and complexity, the awe inspiring majesty and regality of the Rockies is simply beautiful. It's hard to imagine the creation and formation of such incredible beauty, it is only a glimpse of the incredible power that God has. 

But the trip was not all happy and joyful. The group experienced loss and pain in an unexpected turn of events. I won't go into detail, because it's not my place, but it made me glad to have the people on the trip that we did, because we picked each other up and were able to support those who were affected more deeply by tragic events. It was an emotional trip, we had fun, and felt pain, but for 11 seniors of Manhattan Christian College, it hopefully is something not soon forgotten.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So far this week, I've been working on: Sanding and priming the basement, Famous Dave's, Homework, Finals Projects, make-up work (not the science and application of beauty products, but past due work), Getting a new job for next year, keeping myself and fiance sane. 

I think I have accomplished all of those by now. I got a job interview, which is really the teacher showing me what she does, then handing me the job, barring I'm not a psycho. I'm going to be a Para at a middle school in town. I get to hang out w/ bad kids and smack em around when they're bad. Ok. not true. but I will be a para next year.

Started watching 30 Rock this last week w/ Kate. During finals I always like to pick up a season of some show and watch it. Very good show. It's not always laugh out loud funny, but it is funny to the point where you smile and think, "yeah, I really enjoyed that." I highly recommend it.

Senior class trip is this weekend. We finally got everything done for it, pretty excited. after tomorrow I'll be completely done w/ classes at MCC. excitement level is very high. Colorado, here I come


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Long Short Week

Kate's family came up this last weekend. Did lots of wedding work, and ran around a lot. Stress. Not saying anything bad about Kate's fam or anything, but it's all stress right now.

Then Sunday morning, my dad, Scott (sister's BF) and I hit the road to Oklahoma. I worked on a paper the entire way down and missed most the ride with my head buried in my laptop. But we finally got down there, and went fishing (which was what the whole trip was about anyway). Caught some real nice fish too. Went back and continued to write the 2nd half of my Senior Integration. However, at 10:30 that night, I finished, then had to find an internet connection in the middle of BFE Oklahoma. But I found one, finally, sat in a gas station parking lot and emailed my paper to my bud Marion and she turned in my paper. Got a 90 on it. not bad. Got a B in the class, so I'm happy.

Fishing was ridiculous. killed fish right and left. We caught roughly 140 fish in 2 days. Brought back fish fillets to eat, fish fry this friday, gonna be good stuff.

Now today is Skip Day, so no classes. Need to turn in an application though. I'm going to try to become a Para educator at the middle school down the street from my house. That way I have a job with regular, good hours, or 8:00-2:45 job. Not bad, that lets me do my intern stuff and be home in time for my wife to cook me dinner...or the other way around... depending on how good I want it to be. But that's the plan. 

I'll come up with something deep and philosophical for next week. We'll see where I get.


Monday, April 20, 2009


So today I organized and updated my calendar for the end of the school year. If I was smart, I would have done that... oh... mid-January, at the latest. However, I am terrible at this kind of thing, so, I'm just now doing, after I didn't turn in two book reports, I'm incredibly behind on a lot of things, etc. So now it's there. yippee, except, now I know exactly how far behind I am. Suckville, population Me and everyone who is doing their senior paper online.

I've been increasingly unhappy with where I am currently at. I'm ready to grow up, move on, get a real job. I'm tired of these "college kid" jobs. I've got a ton of good experience from my last 3 jobs that I've held, all while in college. I learned a lot of stuff about myself, how to be a leader, how to work with people, work in terrible conditions, etc. But now I'm ready to go out, dress nice, have a legit job, work during the day, come home and be at home during the night time. I don't want to dick around all day and at 3:00 in the afternoon go work until 1:00 in the morning.

I also am just ready to be Freaking married. I have exactly 2 more months to go, and I'm dying. longest, suckiest, most stressful period of life, ever. Everything is blown out of proportion because of that. Working on the house, school coming to a close, finals, counseling, internship, work, extracurriculars, everything just goes under a microscope and is blown up so big that it physically hurts to deal with it all because it all just gets so heavy. why does time take so long?

Good word to think about: Stipend. it's just fun to say.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And it builds till crescendo

I'm listening to Death Cab, who seem to be masters of the term, the gradual building of music until it hits its peak only to crash down to an ominous silence that seems beautiful in the void, which is then replaced by the comparable beauty of the most simple of arrangements. 


I play music almost every day. In some form or other, I play, listen, make, find. And you would think with this constant immersion into what has become such a defining entity in today's culture, I would be somewhat good at it. But...I'm not. I can play, I am, for the most part, self taught. (The dog next door is barking insatiably and I'm going to kill it, seriously, back in a minute...) Piece of crap, Bob chained my dog outside it was my freaking dog causing all the noise, what a moron dog. Well...everything I was going to say is now pointless. Nevermind.

Got to my two year anniversary dating Katelynn today. that's pretty exciting. Never dated anyone for two years straight before. Brought her flowers to work, took her out for a little dinner, watched LOST. Not a bad day. 

Do you have twitter? if not I suggest it. It is pretty much the best thing on the internet besides If you don't twitter, I suggest you look it up, it's free, and just really fun. Not that the world needs to be more connected by any means, but the micro blogging aspect is just so cool, I think. 

what a lame post, if you read this whole thing, way to go. BTW, I'm looking for a new job, I really think I hate Famous Dave's, but don't tell them that yet, I need a new job before I can quit there. Whatchagonnado?


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Long Couple Days

I think I've learned more about myself in the last 2 days than I have in years. 

This getting married business is hard. Premarital counseling is so worth every bit, but it just shows you hard it's going to be. I had no idea until this last few weeks just what I was getting into, and just how much growing up and maturing I still have yet to do.

A couple of my friends got broken up with this last week. Seeing them hurting like they were was really tough. It's tough because nothing you say will make them feel better, and you know it, so you say the things that will begin the healing process and you let them know you're there for them, but it's something they have to do on their own. and that's hard.

Getting married, no matter how bad things get, how hard they are, you still have the other person there. You don't have to go through things by yourself anymore, and when you're hurting, you have someone that knows you better than anyone to lean on and rely upon. Even when they seem like the source of the problem, things will turn for the better and they'll still be there, waiting for you to forgive them. 

Which, it is a lot like Jesus. He's always there. Even when you don't want him to be, he's always right there. To lean on. To rely on. To put our trust in. And what's more, even if a marriage dissolves (which hopefully, it doesn't get that way) Christ is right there, waiting for you to fall into his arms, to look to him for help.

hmm. also, although in syndication and I've seen every episode, That 70's show is real dang funny.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

'Cause it's almost over now, almost over now

So, another week or so has gone by. We worked all weekend on the basement, got all the sheetrock up, completely screwed in etc. All of it. looks really crazy now, it's a completely different basement. Then we cleaned up the other side of the basement, and rearranged Christine's room for her, so that it is now way easier for her to move around n' such. 

I also got money from my dad to pay for Dakota's balls to be removed. poor guy. I don't know about the whole process. The vet says he won't miss them, that he'll be calmer and it's not a big deal for this stuff to be done. But it is. I don't know why I care so much. I just feel bad for him. 

Baseball season started today. With a seriously bad case of senioritis, I might as well drop out now, my motivation is destroyed from this moment on.

It's scary. I'm almost done with school. My new home is almost finished. Marriage is right around the corner.'s scary. I'm almost a grown up, and I don't really know what I'm doing, to be completely honest. I'm 22. I'm engaged. I own a house, I will have to start working full time. whoa. Is it too late to disappear and run away to Europe? 

I guess it's just time to buck up, grow up, man up, etc. This is one of those moments where I look God face to face and say "that's it, I'm done stalling, I have no idea what I'm doing, I need your help from here on out. Oh, and don't be vague when you tell me stuff, I'm kinda dumb when it comes to subtleties, so a good smack in the face might just benefit all involved. Oh, and help me not to screw this up too bad." I guess there comes a few times in life where a prayer like that needs to be said, and I'm smack dab in the middle of one.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Beyond Our Reach

Finite: having bounds, limited. We focus on the things that are right in front of our noses, but we rarely look beyond our own existence. Our spiritual peripherals are so limited that we miss so much of what is going on around us. We miss the greater, more awesome picture. When it comes to God, we miss the bigger picture. There is so much more to discover, and so much to Him that even if we spend our entire lives trying to discover everything we could, it would be a drop in the bucket. Which is an awesome thing to think about.

I'm getting married. The rest of my life will be spent in the study of a woman. Who she is, what makes her tick, and what she is all about. And lucky me, she's the kind of woman that makes me thank God every day that I have that opportunity.

There is a sense of amazement and wonderment that entitles things we do not know. Things that are beyond our limited experience and understanding instill a sense of awe that is so exhilarating that we can't wait to seek it out, discover more of it, and soak it up as much as physically possible. 

This kid is hearing for the very first time in his life. This picture depicts exactly what true expansion of finite to the seemingly infinite looks like. I crave and yearn to experience something like this boy, who's world from this moment on was completely transformed to something more wonderful than he could have ever imagined.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Break 'n Such

Saturday: Went to KC, tried to Non-Rev on a plane to New Mexico to get to AZ. Didn't make it. Ate pizza and such with the rents.

Sunday: Woke up at 5:00 A.M. and had Mom and Dad drive Kate and I to the airport yet again. This time got on a flight to Las Angeles. Really cool. Never been there before. So after my awesome sight seeing adventures in LA (it's just like in Enterage, so cool) which lasted about 20 minutes and consisted of just one wing of LAX, we jumped on another plane, this time to Phoenix. Got in, picked up by Kate's mom Maggie, and enjoyed a nice, relaxed afternoon. Ate at Tagliani's. Italian. Real real good food.

Monday: don't really remember much. hung out. ran around. I think this was the day we went shopping. Got a new pair of jeans. I had always hated Levi's when I was a kid, cause that's what my dad wore and he looked like a geek. But I finally found my number (who knew) and I have a pretty nice pair of jeans that I think fit pretty well. Kate got shoes. Hilarious.

Tuesday: We went to a hockey game with Kai. Tons of fights, 3 goals in the first, 1 in the second, and 3 in the 3rd. And both teams got real pissed at each other, hence the tons of fights. Plus the "Yotes" won with 30 seconds left on the clock. really cool.

Wednesday: We got to go to...gasp...the Royals. Pretty much the highlight of the last 5 1/2 months. Oops. I got engaged in there somewhere. If she reads this and I didn't say that, she'd rip me apart. Anywho, there you go. They lost but who's not used to that, I still got to see them!!!

Thursday: Hung out and ate lunch with Marion and Melyssa. Friends. that was fun. Now we're just chillin out. Get to go to Pei Wei for dinner tonight. Then we get to hang out w/ Lindsay and some people...I think. don't quote me on that. Anywho, should be fun.

Friday: sit on a plane, all day. boooooooooooooooo. Plus I lose 2 hours of my life that I will never ever get back. because that's the difference between LA and Kansas. But hey, get to go home. be normal again, play some video games, eat red meat, and see my roommate and my dog, both of whom I miss. And that's about it. yay.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Whoa, It's been a while

wow, way too long. very sorry. I'm sure you're tired of seeing the same 3 lame pictures on this page huh? well. Lets see where I've been in the last month:
  • Finished Senior Paper (yay for me and everyone else who did it, lots of work, but learned a ton, which is essential and very good)
  • Went to first official Marriage Counseling Session. Dr. Delort was great, had some fun, found out some stuff we didn't know/realize, more excited to get married... I think.
  • Woke up late for church on daylight savings. go figure
  • Booked flights and rooms in Key West, Florida for the honey moon. After many fights and arguments, and much debate, we found the perfect place to go. 
  • Found out we're going to get to go to AZ for Spring Break. Super great. Go watch some baseball, eat some good sushi, and hang out w/ some folks (in-laws etc.)
  • Lots of construction on the basement, i.e. all the walls are down, rebuilt, new electrical and plumbing throughout, this weekend we're putting up sheetrock.
  • Went to an all day Marriage Seminar w/ Jenna and Joel. That was super fun actually. Got to go back to Northland, see some really great people, have them finally meet Kate. That was good.
I think that's about it. I don't know. that's all the important stuff anyway. If you want to see my pictures from the Senior Paper, I made a movie and a photo album that are pretty fun, so check em out. Alright, I'm supposed to be paying attention in class right now. So I'll take off. My next post will be from beautiful, expensive, and sandy Arizona. Have a good one till then.


Friday, February 13, 2009

3 Days (Roughly 13 1/2 hours)

Alright, so here's some pics of the last few days and my studies. Really I've learned a ton. No joke. I'm very glad I'm doing this paper. However, it just feels like I'm spinning my tires and not really getting anywhere (although I know I am). But there's just so much work left to do that it is painful. Almost excruciating. However, Ron Ratliff just told me to take a break after 2 1/2 hours worth of work, to let my brain cool down. So I figured I'd blog.

In fact, I am wearing headphones in all of these pictures. It helps to create my own work conducive bubble in my cubicle in the stacks. Some good things to listen to when Senior Integrating are: 
1. Incubus. Just enough music and tempo to keep you awake, but not over the top in lyrics, which doesn't distract from what you're reading. 
2. Coheed and Cambria. Lots of guitars, melody and intricate music. And nobody knows what he's talking about anyway so it's not terribly distracting, however, air-guitar soloing does hinder writing.
3. Death Cab for Cutie. Mostly because you can get lost in Death Cab and listen to 2 whole CDs without realizing you've done it. However, does have a sleep inducing factor that can in fact be hazardous to studying, not recommended for 3 a.m. stints at Hale
4. iTunes Genius Playlist. Find some music you know you can study to, and let the computer do the rest. However, can turn into number 3 on the "don'ts" list.

Stuff not good to listen to when studying:
1. Any Weezer or Blink 182. You just sing along, and it hinders concentration
2. Anything Metal i.e. As I Lay Dying, Killswitch Engage, etc. Although it can help keep you awake, it will inevitably expand that headache that has been growing since your second word study. Give your brain a break.
3. I also do not suggest listening to iTunes on shuffle, because you are more prone to skip the songs you don't want, then, all of a sudden you realized you've wasted a half hour hunting for songs to listen to w/out actually doing any work. very terrible

Well, that's about all I've got. plus I have to get ready for class and I have a lot of crap to clear out of this cubicle. Alright, hope that helps anyone thinking of undertaking an expansive exegetical paper sometime soon. Happy studying :D


Monday, February 9, 2009

Sitting in Class

Church Admin. 
Mr. York
This is Chad and Curtis and I
can you tell how our nights been going?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

...And A New Basement Too!

So Tonight I started on my senior paper. So, as promised I uploaded a couple pics to document the process. All I can say as of right now is that this paper is going to be a freakin' nightmare. Kate apparently got bored and felt as if she didn't have enough attention so she tried to get in a couple pics. She succeeded.

We continued construction on our basement this last weekend and will continue this weekend as well. The wonderful Kecks came to help, so in total it was my mom and dad, Jenna, Joel, Kate and Me, all with white breathing masks, work gloves and various tools shredding, throwing junk away, ripping, wrecking, jack-hammering, and junking just about everything in sight. This next week we'll be working on putting in a shower, and putting up walls and such. Which will be way way fun. Except I hate the sound of circular saws going through 2x4's, but oh well. We also have a pedestal sink and toilet in our back yard. kinda funny.

In related news, Christine Capp had her room ripped away from her because of our destruction. So she is sleeping on the futon in the basement. It's almost sad, but very very funny. If you've never had a girl as a roommate I suggest it. Changes the dynamics a little and is pretty funny. On second thought, maybe that's just because it's Christine. 

Apparently there is a magic berry in South America that changes how things taste and makes them taste sweet. kewl.

P.S. my dog is dumb and a monster mooch that is exasperatingly annoying at times. But you can't help but love the stupid guy.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Simpler Times, Simpler Minds

We distracted Mrs. Swihart for 35 minutes in Modern Masters today by discussing odd documentaries we like and tv shows (i.e. Destroyed in Seconds, and that new escape artist show on Discovery) that we think are cool. Maybe that class won't be so ridiculous after all. 

Kate broke my favorite glass tonight. It's an POM glass i've had for more than a year. I like POM, but it's too expensive to consume on a regular basis. But on second thought, so is bottled water and nobody has a problem with that.

We started remodeling the basement on saturday. That's pretty cool. Except we don't have a dumpster to put the giant chunks of wood panelling and sheetrock that we'vetorn from the walls. Who needs foresight, I seem to manage alright. Except now our once (as in until Saturday afternoon) clean basement now looks like a bomb has gone off down there. But hey, my room has looked like that for around a semester or so, so who am I to care too much. oh well.

I'll see if I can upload a picture of it. but i prolly won't. We smuggled the dog into Kate's apartment for a little bit. Allison got home and he started barking full voice. Moron.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A little Dave's a little Wedding

Alright, well, first things first. Saturday I went to a bridal expo. yeah. me. I really did. 9 hours worth. ok. 10:30 to 5. 6 1/2 hours. but it felt much more than 9 so rounding up is needed. Our best friend Jenna was there, Plus Maggie (Kate's mom) Aunt Kathy and Aunt Sue (Kate's aunts) and of course the lovely couple of Kate and I. Had it not been for the free food (apart from the raw salmon on cucumber slices) it would have been on the heavy end of unbearable. However, here's a list of things accomplished that otherwise would have taken forever (and much more $)
  • Photographer (Kate's #1 priority of the day)
  • Reception Location (Top of a tower in Topeka, not saying much, being as it is Topeka, but cool none-the-less)
  • DJ (hopefully not a tool, because we found out later that we go to church with the guy, so hopefully he doesn't suck and I have to see him awkwardly afterward)
  • Tuxedos (which is a joke because we're not really wearing tuxes, but whatevs)
I also had been thinking, because a lot of the people that work at the most Famous of Dave's are single, and hit on each other...alot. So in the spirit of another famous Dave, I decided to do a countdown of the top Famous Dave's pickup lines that may or may not have been heard while working:
5. You know...I can get all the corn muffins you want
4. Do you like meat?
3. And I thought the ribs were smokin'
2. Wanna see Wilbur?
1. I've got my own kind of sauce, wanna taste test?

ok. those are terrible. I know. Don't be offended. just count to 10 and get over it. it'll all be ok in a moment.

On another note, we have a new President today. that is cool. whether you voted for him or not, it is a pretty exciting time. If he does what he says, makes good on promises, and can withstand the pressures and burdens that are placed on the leader of the free world, then good job. and for the record, race doesn't matter (get over it). Either way, in 4 years, he'll be voted back in, even if he sucks. Which is annoying, because that's the way the American public works (look at the last two...oops nevermind)


Thursday, January 15, 2009

What a day

First day of school for the new semester = great, very excited, but only had two classes that started at 1:00 and 2:30 p.m. so a little strange being as my entire college life I've always had classes start at 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. (depending on it being a MWF or TTH schedule of course). But this semester none of my classes start till afternoon. which is aaaaaaaaaawesome.

Very great to see lots of people back, however, I hate coming back from break because everyone always asks the same question and you end up answering it 800 times in the course of 4 hours. So that gets annoying. But alas, tis the last time I have to do it, so bittersweet I suppose.

However, I was very excited to see the majority of my small group guys today. That is always great, and one says he wants to start coming more than he did, and I have a long lost small group guy who hath returned from the Promised Land to cold Kansas and I am very excited to have him back, because I love him. We get mooshy in small group. but that's ok. they like it. 

I think the dog snuck downstairs to lick my shoes. sick. he's gonna die because who knows what disgusting crap is on there. I wouldn't lick my work shoes for a million dollars. ok, yes I would. It's mostly soap and old meat. you'd just get the runs pretty bad, but who gives a crap (no pun intended) cause you're sitting on a cool million (and a toilet for a long time after).

I think that's about all I got for tonight. not very insightful or deep, but who cares, 5 people read this, so it's whatev. I'm going to Royals Fan Fest on Sunday. I'll keep you posted. That's gonna be sweat. 


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back again for all you to see

So i was floating around today, looking at stuff, and i realized that I have a sweet blog that has been completely unused. so here's my first post in a while, and I have big plans, so hold me to it, here goes:
  • I want to update, at least one post a week
  • Every couple days during my Senior Integration paper, I want to upload a picture of myself taken while working on it, and put a caption on it, just so you know how my paper is going. I think that will be interesting and fun (thanks Joel Keck for that idea).
  • And of course, my own thoughts and opinions on a plethora of topics and subjects. 
Those are my plans for this semester, and of course, I will keep everyone up on wedding stuff cause I know you are all dying to know. So there you go, hope you like it, leave some comments, and enjoy :)
