Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Long Couple Days

I think I've learned more about myself in the last 2 days than I have in years. 

This getting married business is hard. Premarital counseling is so worth every bit, but it just shows you hard it's going to be. I had no idea until this last few weeks just what I was getting into, and just how much growing up and maturing I still have yet to do.

A couple of my friends got broken up with this last week. Seeing them hurting like they were was really tough. It's tough because nothing you say will make them feel better, and you know it, so you say the things that will begin the healing process and you let them know you're there for them, but it's something they have to do on their own. and that's hard.

Getting married, no matter how bad things get, how hard they are, you still have the other person there. You don't have to go through things by yourself anymore, and when you're hurting, you have someone that knows you better than anyone to lean on and rely upon. Even when they seem like the source of the problem, things will turn for the better and they'll still be there, waiting for you to forgive them. 

Which, it is a lot like Jesus. He's always there. Even when you don't want him to be, he's always right there. To lean on. To rely on. To put our trust in. And what's more, even if a marriage dissolves (which hopefully, it doesn't get that way) Christ is right there, waiting for you to fall into his arms, to look to him for help.

hmm. also, although in syndication and I've seen every episode, That 70's show is real dang funny.


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