Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back again for all you to see

So i was floating around today, looking at stuff, and i realized that I have a sweet blog that has been completely unused. so here's my first post in a while, and I have big plans, so hold me to it, here goes:
  • I want to update, at least one post a week
  • Every couple days during my Senior Integration paper, I want to upload a picture of myself taken while working on it, and put a caption on it, just so you know how my paper is going. I think that will be interesting and fun (thanks Joel Keck for that idea).
  • And of course, my own thoughts and opinions on a plethora of topics and subjects. 
Those are my plans for this semester, and of course, I will keep everyone up on wedding stuff cause I know you are all dying to know. So there you go, hope you like it, leave some comments, and enjoy :)



grindle said...

Here is your first comment on the re-birth of your blog!

lindsay e. s. said...

hip hip hooray!

good luck with that paper. do you just want mine??